cPit Calculator 

Raw Damage % Complete
max 41,193,988
of 100%
max 36,425,856
of 100%
max 39,461,352
of 100%
max 37,943,604
of 100%

Above is a very easy to use Damage Calculator for the challenge Pit (aka cPit) that converts raw damage numbers into percentage, and vice-versa..
it's pretty self-explanatory..

Just put in the number you want to convert in the correct column, and it'll show the equivalent in the other column..

Quick Note: in the Raw Damage section, you can put numbers followed by M (uppercase only) to denote 'million', k (lowercase only) to denote 'thousand', or just the raw number..
so, basically:
1500000 = 1500k = 1.5M

(commas and spaces will be ignored: please use a period '.' as decimal separator instead of a comma)

Hope this helps!

This converter is brought to you by members of the swgoh guild Crîmson Dâwn, which is part of the Underworld Alliance..

Our alliance brings together the following guilds:
Hûtt Cartel - A home for players working to max their rosters, get top level content, and max TBs!

MostWretchedHive - A home for players working to max their rosters, get top level content, and max TBs!

Wa Da Tah - Casual play all the way!

Blâck Sûn - A Relaxed atmosphere of folks who still play as a team, and run fully heroic, top tier events!

Crîmson Dâwn - A home for players rocking hSTR and DS Geo TB

Pörg Syndicate - Our latest starter guild for players of all abilities to gain experience and tackle heroic raids!

Come visit our Discord Server, see what the best alliance in all of swgoh is about!

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